Week 1
It introduced Language Model problems, mentioned using "perplexity" to evaluate the LM.
It showed the n-gram model and how the probability get calculated using linear interpolation for Trigram Model.
It mentioned applying the discounting method to Katz back-off model, a generative n-gram language model that estimates the conditional probability of a word given its history in the n-gram.
Week 2
From the training set, induce a function/algorithm that maps new sentences to their tag sequences.
Generative models for Supervised Learning
Bayes' rule to produce the conditional distribution
Discriminative Model:
Generative Model:
Hidden Markov Model (HNM) Taggers
basic definitions
parameter estimation
The Viterbi Algorithm: find the most likely hidden state sequence
It brought up the tagging problems and demonstrated how to apply Hidden Markov Model to find the most probable hidden state sequence(tags).
Week 3
work in formal syntax goes back to Chomsky's PhD thesis (synatictic sturctures) in 1957
context-free grammars
Using context free grammar could have ambiguity.